© 2024 All Rights Reserved | Festa Italiana of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio Website design and hosting by EmTech Enterprises
In loving memory of the chairpersons and founding members of Festa Italiana of Cuyahoga Falls that we have lost. May their memory be eternal and generosity leave a lasting effect. We truly appreciate their time volunteering with Festa Italiana of Cuyahoga Falls and are better for knowing them.
Committee Member Position DOB DOD Ennio Riccillo Founding Member 4/23/1937 1/7/2013 Mario Donatelli Program Book, Sponsors, Bocce/Morra 10/30/1945 4/7/2016 Domenico Iannacchione Founding Member 12/12/1931 4/28/2017 Joseph Motta Program Book, Mass 11/12/1942 2/8/2020 Dominic Rizzo, Sr. Founding Member 5/16/1927 3/20/2020 Lynn Vallee Vendors 1/16/1947 09/2020 Rose Gullo Scholarships, Mass 8/27/1955 11/20/2022 Larry Bagnoli Litter Control, Mass, Ice, Sponsors 5/20/1937 2/5/2023 Larry Valentine Litter Control 1/23/1947 6/5/2023 John Iannacchione Litter Control 11/4/1959 7/25/2023
© 2024 All Rights Reserved | Festa Italiana of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio Website design and hosting by EmTech Enterprises
In loving memory of the chairpersons and founding members of Festa Italiana of Cuyahoga Falls that we have lost. May their memory be eternal and generosity leave a lasting effect. We truly appreciate their time volunteering with Festa Italiana of Cuyahoga Falls and are better for knowing them.
Committee Member Position DOB DOD Ennio Riccillo Founding Member 4/23/1937 1/7/2013 Mario Donatelli Program Book, Sponsors, Bocce/Morra 10/30/1945 4/7/2016 Domenico Iannacchione Founding Member 12/12/1931 4/28/2017 Joseph Motta Program Book, Mass 11/12/1942 2/8/2020 Dominic Rizzo, Sr. Founding Member 5/16/1927 3/20/2020 Lynn Vallee Vendors 1/16/1947 09/2020 Rose Gullo Scholarships, Mass 8/27/1955 11/20/2022 Larry Bagnoli Litter Control, Mass, Ice, Sponsors 5/20/1937 2/5/2023 Larry Valentine Litter Control 1/23/1947 6/5/2023 John Iannacchione Litter Control 11/4/1959 7/25/2023